Oyster River Bog

Funding Round/Year
Project Sponsor
Georges River Land Trust
MNRCP Region
Central Interior and Midcoast
Total Cost of Project
Project Type
Fee Acquisition
Project Description

Through this project, the Georges River Land Trust will conserve approximately 514 acres of land in and around the Oyster River Bog, including part of the Rockland Bog Focus Area of Statewide Ecological Significance. The project site includes: approximately 200.7 acres of freshwater forested, scrub-shrub, and emergent wetlands; approximately 12,615 feet of frontage on the East Branch Oyster River and a perennial tributary to the river; 3 confirmed vernal pools with their critical terrestrial habitat; approximately 11 acres of Inland Waterfowl and Wading Bird Habitat; a portion of an exemplary Unpatterned Fen Ecosystem; and the balance consisting of upland buffer. Portions of the Premises are also mapped as confirmed habitat of the Citrine Forktail damselfly which is a species of Special Concern in Maine. The site is entirely contained within a large Undeveloped Habitat Block identified by the Beginning With Habitat Program. Most of the parcels making up the project abut conservation land or land owned by the City of Rockland on one or more sides. GRLT will retain and manage the land for its natural resource values and low-impact recreation.

Scrub shrub wetlands in the Unpatterned Fen Ecosystem, photo by Maine Natural Areas Program