Maine Natural Resource
Conservation Program (MNRCP)
Providing funds for the restoration and protection of wetlands, streams, and wildlife habitat across the state.
The Maine Natural Resource Conservation Program (MNRCP) awards competitive grants to projects that restore, enhance, and protect high priority aquatic resources throughout Maine. Since its launch in 2008, MNRCP has awarded over $33 million to non-profit groups, municipalities, and public agencies at over 170 project sites across the state. MNRCP runs an annual grant cycle that begins in May and ends with final award decisions in November or December. MNRCP has no minimum or maximum funding amount and no match is required. MNRCP can provide funding for land acquisition, closing costs, restoration site selection, project design, construction, monitoring, and long-term management.
Featured Projects
To give grant applicants a better sense of the range of projects that are eligible for MNRCP funding, we have provided a group of representative project profiles.
MNRCP awards competitive grants each year to projects that restore and protect high priority aquatic resources in Maine.
Who We Help
MNRCP is a potential funding source for a range of preservation and restoration projects in Maine. Any Maine conservation organization, land trust, tribe, city, town or public agency may be eligible for a grant from MNRCP.
Find out how much funding is available in your project's region.