Maquoit Bay Eckert

Funding Round/Year
Project Sponsor
Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust
MNRCP Region
Central Interior and Midcoast
Total Cost of Project
Project Type
Fee Acquisition
Project Description

The Maquoit Bay Eckert project conserved approximately 25 acres of land, including approximately 19.4 acres of freshwater forested wetlands, with the balance consisting of upland forested buffer. The property includes approximately 2,850 feet of shoreline along an extensive salt marsh and tidal creeks at the head of Maquoit Bay, which is part of a Focus Area of Statewide Ecological Significance. One potential vernal pool is documented on the site. The rapidly declining Saltmarsh Sparrow (under review for possible listing as Threatened or Endangered) has been documented in the adjacent Spartina salt marsh, and the property is suitable for tidal marsh migration with expected sea level rise. The adjacent tidal marshes are mapped Tidal Wading Bird and Waterfowl Habitat, so the forested wetlands on the Premises form a buffer for that Significant Wildlife Habitat. The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife owns conserved land directly downstream and across the tidal river, providing connectivity to other conserved lands in the area.

Photo of forested wetlands on the Maquoit Bay Eckert property