Kezar Corridor - Anglo Celtic

Funding Round/Year
Project Sponsor
Greater Lovell Land Trust
MNRCP Region
Southern Maine
Total Cost of Project
Project Type
Fee Acquisition
Project Description

This Project conserved approximately 931.7 acres of land including: approximately 74 acres of freshwater emergent, scrub-shrub, and forested wetlands; 16 acres of lacustrine wetlands; and the balance consisting of upland forest including some areas of older forest in riparian zones. The site includes approximately 16,300 feet of frontage on the Kezar River, Patterson Brook, and other streams, much of which is mapped as Wild Brook Trout Habitat. There are three confirmed significant or potentially significant vernal pools on the site and approximately 90 acres of Inland Waterfowl and Wading Bird Habitat. The land includes the entire shoreline of Dan Charles Pond where there is a Silver Maple Floodplain Forest, a rare natural community type in Maine. The western sides of the project site abut a corridor of conservation lands owned by Maine Woodland Owners with additional land under conservation easement to GLLT. GLLT has acquired additional lots to the south of the Premises that abut the project site along one edge (including the 2022 Kezar Corridor Rolfe project). GLLT will retain and manage the Premises for its natural resource values, as well as for timber management in select locations, and low-impact recreation.

Unusual lakeside silver maple floodplain forest, Photo by Maine Natural Areas Program