This project conserved 55.86 acres of land including over 27 acres of freshwater emergent, scrub-shrub, and forested wetlands, with the balance consisting of forested upland. The site includes approximately 1,000 linear feet on both sides of Johnson Brook, identified as Wild Brook Trout habitat, and two Significant Vernal Pools and their associated critical terrestrial habitat. KLT also plans to conduct a small restoration project on the property that includes removal of two undersized and damaged culverts on two tributaries to Johnson Brook. Removal of the culverts and the associated road fill will restore natural stream flow and wetland habitat and improve aquatic connectivity along the tributary streams. The property is part of a large undeveloped habitat block, and abuts conservation land to the southeast which is already owned by KLT and a conservation easement to the north managed by York Land Trust. KLT will retain and manage the Premises for its natural resource values and for low-impact recreation.