Funding Round/Year
Project Sponsor
Kennebec Estuary Land Trust
MNRCP Region
Central Interior and Midcoast
Westport Island
Total Cost of Project
Project Type
Fee Acquisition
Project Description
The Beaver Pond project conserved approximately 45.9 acres of land, including approximately 19 acres of freshwater scrub-shrub, forested, and unconsolidated bottom wetlands and approximately 3.2 acres of estuarine intertidal wetlands. The site contains mapped Tidal Waterfowl and Wading Bird Habitat along the eastern boundary as well as two vernal pools. The western side of the Premises is less than half a mile from the Kennebec Estuary Beginning with Habitat Focus Area of Statewide Ecological Significance. KELT will retain and manage the Premises for its natural resource values and low-impact recreation.