
Past Projects

Since its launch in 2008, the Maine Natural Resource Conservation Program (MNRCP) has awarded over $30 million in competitive grants to non-profit groups, municipalities and public agencies to help restore, enhance and preserve wetlands and other important habitats at 170 project sites across Maine. This section provides a look at past projects that have been funded.

Past Projects
Project Title Sort descending Project Sponsor Funding Round/Year MNRCP Funds Awarded MNRCP Region Project Type
Walton's Mill Dam Removal Atlantic Salmon Federation 2019 $395,000 Central and Western Mountains Dam Removal
Warren Woods Wetland Restoration Scarborough Land Trust 2012 $102,650 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement
Weskeag Wetlands Georges River Land Trust 2012 $347,150 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Wessurunsett Inlet Somerset Woods Trustees 2022 $80,000 Central and Western Mountains Fee Acquisition
Whitten Hill: Sheepscot Headwaters Wildlands Sheepscot Wellspring Land Alliance 2009 $175,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Willow Brook Culvert Replacement Town of Cape Elizabeth 2020 $343,281 Southern Maine Culvert replacement tidal flow enhancement
Witt Swamp Preserve Extension Western Foothills Land Trust 2013 $97,113 Central and Western Mountains Fee Acquisition