Since its launch in 2008, the Maine Natural Resource Conservation Program (MNRCP) has awarded over $30 million in competitive grants to non-profit groups, municipalities and public agencies to help restore, enhance and preserve wetlands and other important habitats at 170 project sites across Maine. This section provides a look at past projects that have been funded.
Past Projects
Project Title Sort descending | Project Sponsor | Funding Round/Year | MNRCP Funds Awarded | MNRCP Region | Project Type | |
Penjajawoc Marsh - Severance | Bangor Land Trust | 2012 | $282,000 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition | |
Penjajawoc Marsh-Walsh | Bangor Land Trust | 2017 | $242,500 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement | |
Perley Pond/Northwest River | Loon Echo Land Trust | 2013 | $136,000 | Southern Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
Pisgah Hill Conservation Area - Hobson 2 | Royal River Conservation Trust | 2010 | $25,000 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition | |
Pollard Flat Wildife Management Area - Sherman Acquisition | Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife | 2020 | $201,375 | Aroostook Hills and Lowlands | Fee Acquisition | |
Porter Heath | Francis Small Heritage Trust | 2021 | $127,305 | Southern Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
Pump Box Brook I - Coley Trafton | Three Rivers Land Trust | 2019 | $151,700 | Southern Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
Pushaw Lake Fishway | Atlantic Salmon Federation, Maine Council | 2011 | $50,000 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fishway Construction | |
Rouse Island | Kennebec Estuary Land Trust | 2020 | $75,000 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition | |
Salmon Brook Enhancement | Town of Washburn | 2014 | $21,000 | Aroostook Hills and Lowlands | ||
Salmon Falls - Keay Brook | Great Works Regional Land Trust | 2014 | $213,400 | Southern Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
Salmon Falls Wetlands - Tuckahoe | Great Works Regional Land Trust | 2013 | $90,000 | Southern Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
Scarborough Marsh - Gervais | Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife | 2009 | $6,342 | Southern Maine | Invasives removal | |
Sebasticook River Conservation Acquistions | Sebasticook Regional Land Trust | 2011 | $304,316 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition | |
Seven Mile Stream | Androscoggin Land Trust | 2011 | $21,633 | Central and Western Mountains | Fee Acquisition | |
Sewall Pond Restoration Project | Kennebec Estuary Land Trust | 2013 | $166,200 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Culvert Replacement and Fish Passage | |
Sherman Marsh Headwaters-Louderback | Damariscotta River Association | 2016 | $173,000 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition | |
Sherman Marsh Northern Headwaters | Damariscotta River Association | 2018 | $99,500 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition | |
Sherman Marsh to Salt Bay Linkage | Damariscotta River Association | 2013 | $107,000 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition | |
Shiloh Pond | The Trust for Public Land and the Town of Kingfield | 2019 | $336,000 | Central and Western Mountains | Fee Acquisition | |
Smelt Brook Intertidal Restoration | Downeast Salmon Federation | 2017 | $133,456 | Downeast Maine | Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement | |
Smelt Cove Wetlands | Maine Coast Heritage Trust | 2017 | $150,000 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement | |
Spectacle/Dam Ponds | Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife | 2010 | $186,857 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition | |
Spring Point, Hog Bay | Frenchman Bay Conservancy | 2018 | $94,500 | Downeast Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
St George River Tidal Conservation | Georges River Land Trust | 2011 | $170,000 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition |