
Past Projects

Since its launch in 2008, the Maine Natural Resource Conservation Program (MNRCP) has awarded over $30 million in competitive grants to non-profit groups, municipalities and public agencies to help restore, enhance and preserve wetlands and other important habitats at 170 project sites across Maine. This section provides a look at past projects that have been funded.

Past Projects
Project Title Project Sponsor Funding Round/Year MNRCP Funds Awarded MNRCP Region Project Type
Surry Forest Wetlands Blue Hill Heritage Trust 2016 $495,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement
Hunter Cove-Lewin Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust 2016 $160,000 Central and Western Mountains Fee Acquisition
Boothbay Region Source Water Protection Boothbay Region Water District 2015 $85,630 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement
Basin Preserve Wetland Restoration The Nature Conservancy 2015 $18,825 Central Interior and Midcoast Fill removal, restoration
Walnut Hill-Sousa B Wetland Restoration Three Rivers Land Trust 2015 $26,347 Southern Maine Fill removal, restoration
Tatnic Turtle Crossing Great Works Regional Land Trust 2015 $164,045 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement
Outlet Stream Restoration - Masse Dam Removal Sebasticook Regional Land Trust 2015 $148,300 Central Interior and Midcoast Dam Removal
Little River Habitat Restoration Kennebec Estuary Land Trust 2015 $65,500 Central Interior and Midcoast Tidal Flow Restoration
Caribou Bog - Birmingham Orono Land Trust/Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife 2015 $185,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Long Cove Wetlands Maine Coast Heritage Trust 2014 $290,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Mill Lane Wetlands York Land Trust, Inc. 2014 $125,000 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition
Morse Pond IV Kennebec Estuary Land Trust 2014 $146,780 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Parker Head Road Tidal Enhancement Town of Phippsburg 2014 $40,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Culvert replacement tidal flow enhancement
Salmon Falls - Keay Brook Great Works Regional Land Trust 2014 $213,400 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition
Salmon Brook Enhancement Town of Washburn 2014 $21,000 Aroostook Hills and Lowlands
Mill Street Dam removal Atlantic Salmon Federation, Maine Council 2014 $100,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Dam Removal
Blandings Turtle Incubator (Walnut Hill) Three Rivers Land Trust 2014 $115,350 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition
Kate Furbish Preserve Stream Restoration Maine Coast Heritage Trust 2013 $136,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Dam Removal
Etna Pond Fishway Atlantic Salmon Federation, Maine Council 2013 $62,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Fishway Construction
Middle Bay Wetlands Partnership: Liberty Farm West Harpswell Heritage Land Trust 2013 $35,000 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Mill Pond Tidal Restoration The Nature Conservancy 2013 $20,150 Central Interior and Midcoast Barrier Removal
Morse Pond III - Barabe Kennebec Estuary Land Trust 2013 $185,720 Central Interior and Midcoast Fee Acquisition
Perley Pond/Northwest River Loon Echo Land Trust 2013 $136,000 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition
Salmon Falls Wetlands - Tuckahoe Great Works Regional Land Trust 2013 $90,000 Southern Maine Fee Acquisition
Sewall Pond Restoration Project Kennebec Estuary Land Trust 2013 $166,200 Central Interior and Midcoast Culvert Replacement and Fish Passage