Since its launch in 2008, the Maine Natural Resource Conservation Program (MNRCP) has awarded over $30 million in competitive grants to non-profit groups, municipalities and public agencies to help restore, enhance and preserve wetlands and other important habitats at 170 project sites across Maine. This section provides a look at past projects that have been funded.
Past Projects
Project Title Sort descending | Project Sponsor | Funding Round/Year | MNRCP Funds Awarded | MNRCP Region | Project Type | |
Deering Watershed Wetlands | Three Rivers Land Trust | 2020 | $444,700 | Southern Maine | Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement | |
East Branch Piscataqua River, Upper | Town of Falmouth | 2010 | $229,285 | Southern Maine | Fee and conservation easement acquisition | |
Eliot Wildlife Passage Structure | Maine Department of Transportation | 2019 | $120,000 | Southern Maine | Culvert Replacement | |
Etna Pond Fishway | Atlantic Salmon Federation, Maine Council | 2013 | $62,000 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fishway Construction | |
Falmouth Conservation Corridor - Boudreau | Town of Falmouth | 2009 | $72,700 | Southern Maine | Conservation Easement Acquisition | |
Fixing Furbish Phase I | Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge, USFWS | 2018 | $134,550 | Southern Maine | Tidal marsh restoration | |
Flanders Stream Connectivity Project | Town of Sullivan | 2010 | $50,000 | Downeast Maine | Culvert Replacement and Fish Passage | |
Fogg Island Preserve Expansion - Karabin | 7 Lakes Alliance | 2019 | $43,000 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition | |
Fogg Island Preserve Expansion - Osada | 7 Lakes Alliance | 2019 | $73,250 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition | |
Frenchman Bay Forest | Frenchman Bay Conservancy | 2019 | $162,800 | Downeast Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
Frenchville Forest | Upper St. John River Organization | 2019 | $89,400 | Aroostook Hills and Lowlands | Conservation Easement Acquisition | |
Fuller Farm Expansion | Scarborough Land Trust | 2022 | $118,000 | Southern Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
Garey Mill Road Wetlands | York Land Trust | 2017 | $140,500 | Southern Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
Granite State Wetlands | Great Works Regional Land Trust | 2010 | $100,000 | Southern Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
Great Meadow Stream Smithfield | Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance, Inc. | 2010 | $119,794 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement | |
Half Moon Pond | Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust | 2021 | $200,000 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition | |
Hansen Pond | Three Rivers Land Trust | 2017 | $407,000 | Southern Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
Hansen Pond Restoration Sites | Three Rivers Land Trust | 2019 | $38,050 | Southern Maine | Restoration/Enhancement | |
Hoopers Brook | Great Works Regional Land Trust | 2020 | $138,350 | Southern Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
Hunter Cove-Lewin | Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust | 2016 | $160,000 | Central and Western Mountains | Fee Acquisition | |
Indian River - Farnsworth | Pleasant River Wildlife Foundation | 2012 | $114,480 | Downeast Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
Jam Black Brook culvert replacement | Trout Unlimited | 2011 | $69,700 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Culvert Replacement and Fish Passage | |
Johnson Brook - Sisk | Kittery Land Trust | 2022 | $235,000 | Southern Maine | Fee Acquisition with Restoration or Enhancement | |
Josias Woods | York Land Trust | 2018 | $430,000 | Southern Maine | Fee Acquisition | |
Kanokolus Bog North | Sebasticook Regional Land Trust | 2010 | $36,200 | Central Interior and Midcoast | Fee Acquisition |