Charles Pond Acquisition

Funding Round/Year: 
Project Sponsor: 
Greater Lovell Land Trust
MNRCP Region: 
Southern Maine
Stow and Fryeburg
Total Cost of Project: 
MNRCP Award: 
Project Type: 
Fee Acquisition
Photo of forested wetlands at the Charles Pond property
Project Description: 
The Charles Pond Acquisition conserved approximately 107 acres of land including approximately 13.5 acres of freshwater forested, scrub-shrub, and emergent wetlands, with the balance consisting of upland buffer. Other aquatic features on the property include perennial streams and unmapped ephemeral drainages, two vernal pools, ~1,500 feet of frontage along Charles Pond to the south, and Cold River frontage to the east; both the pond and river-front areas are mapped Inland Waterfowl and Wading Bird Habitat. The wetlands on the property include portions of a high-quality Streamshore Ecosystem along the Cold River, high-quality Tall Sedge Fen, and rare Silver Maple Floodplain Forest. Wild Brook Trout habitat is also known from the site.